This moulage shows protruding large intestines after injury of the abdominal wall . The moulage adheres to skin or a manikin. For longer training or improved adherence optional glue is available...
This model shows the usual benign and malignant changes in the colon and rectum. These include diverticula, polyps, hemorrhoids, fistulae, fissures, chronic inflammatory diseases (Crohn's disease and...
Intended as a replacement part for the Casualty Simulation Kits by Simulaids, such as the Deluxe Casualty Simulation Kit (Our SKU A-103456) and Forensic Wound Simulation Training Kit (Our SKU...
Magnified hundreds of times, this model replicates three of the more than 5 million villi that line the small intestine. This vinyl anatomy model depicts the intestinal villi's essential role in...
Intended as a replacement part for the Casualty Simulation Kits by Simulaids, such as the Deluxe Casualty Simulation Kit (Our SKU A-103456) and Forensic Wound Simulation Training Kit (Our SKU...