
FlexBone Training Model - Mandible

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Retail Price $60.00 - $180.00
Today's Price $54.99 - $164.50


FlexBone models are beautiful, anatomically correct adult-sized male skeletal bone models for surgical and patient education or display. Bones can also be self drilled (cloudy holes will show in clear bones) and implanted in the field.

About this FlexBone

The FlexBone Training Model - Mandible is a gorgeous replica that features the Mandible. This model is available in clear or opaque color options, and the choice of adding a base with the model.

Product Dimensions: 5 in. x 5 in. x 5 in.
Product Weight: 2 lbs.
Product Base Dimensions: 5 in. x 5 in. x 0.75 in.

Why FlexBones?

FlexBones training models provide a hands-on, repeatable, economical, and sustainable platform for bone implant training and demonstration of implant devices. FlexBones offers an attractive, cost-effective line of training models that are superior to both the standard rigid "acrylic" models and the lower quality, messy, solid foam workshop bones on the market.

Flexbones are the most durable training bones on the market, and they don't break. "Acrylics" and foam workshop bones famously and consistently fail in the field, break during shipments, and leave trainers and surgeons without a reliable tool during critical training sessions or device demonstrations. Worse yet, bone breakage from an implant demonstration solidifies in the surgeon's mind, "your implant is dangerous." Confidence is key in demonstrations.

With the option of clear bone anatomy, you can see the behavior of your implants, which is otherwise masked within opaque bones. See and feel the confidence-boosting difference with FlexBone models.

Made in the United States.

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