Cricothyrotomy Simulators
Anatomy Warehouse is proud to offer one of the largest collections of medical training manikins on the web. Our selection of cricothyrotomy trainers is just one of our many advanced selections, available at the best prices every day. EMTs, paramedics, rescue personnel, and other medical professionals will benefit from these manikins. These manikins are ideal for providing real life learning experience for students and anyone in the medical industry. Anatomy Warehouse offers the best service and prices to its customers.
Cricothyrotomy Simulator With 4 Overlay Skins
Nasco Healthcare
Today's Price $488.95Designed for needle or surgical cricothyrotomy. Landmarks include thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, and cricoid membrane. Inflation of simulated lung verifies correct placement. Can be used for adult and 3-year-old trachea sizes. Tracheas of both...Today's Price $488.95 -
Adult Trachea For Cricothyrotomy Simulator
Nasco Healthcare
Today's Price $69.05For use with the Simulaids Cricothyrotomy Simulator (Our SKU A-103405). Adult size trachea. Made in the USA by Simulaids. Ship weight: 1.25 lbs Please note: All Simulaids products are made to order, and there is typically a 2 week lead time. Please...Today's Price $69.05 -
Child Trachea For Cricothyrotomy Simulator
Nasco Healthcare
Today's Price $69.05For use with the Simulaids Cricothyrotomy Simulator (Our SKU A-103405). Child size trachea. Ship weight: 1.25 lbs Made in the USA by Simulaids.Please note: All Simulaids products are made to order, and there is typically a 2 week lead time. Please...Today's Price $69.05 -
ALS Trauma Head Model
Nasco Healthcare
Today's Price $1,853.95This trauma head, in conjunction with the Simulaids Adult ALS Trainer (Our SKU A-103510), can be used to simulate numerous trauma situations including anaphylactic shock and laryngospasm. Model includes swelling of tongue and vocal cords. Also has...Today's Price $1,853.95 -
Anatomy Lab COVID-19 Task Trainer
Anatomy Lab
Retail Price $4,210.00Today's Price $3,825.00This product is designed for respiratory viruses detection training for COVID-19. It supports nasopharyngeal & oropharyngeal swab collection and is also a good choice for intubation, cricothyrotomy, tracheotomy and BVM ventilation practice with...Retail Price $4,210.00Today's Price $3,825.00 -
KOKEN Thoracic Trauma Trainer
Retail Price $7,600.00Today's Price $6,905.00High-energy trauma often consists of multiple injuries, and thoracic trauma can be considered key when determining priority in treatment. This thoracic trauma trainer is a model that combines practice in surgically securing the airway with practice in...Retail Price $7,600.00Today's Price $6,905.00 -
SMART STAT Basic Advanced Life Support Trainer
Nasco Healthcare
Today's Price $19,579.95SMART STAT Basic introduces new training options with greater wireless control and range to support your ALS and advanced clinical training needs. The new iPad interface makes controlling, monitoring, and tracking student and group training easier than...Today's Price $19,579.95