
Moulage Kits

Moulage Kits

Moulages are a truly unique training aid for those interested in casualty simulation training. These fascinating little latex-free replica wounds can be affixed to manikins or human skin with specialized “moulage wax.” A variety of wounds can be replicated with these kits, from slashes to burns. Anatomy Warehouse offers the best in anatomical education, as well as EMT and nursing training. Best prices and service every day!

  • Multiple Casualty Simulation Kit

    Multiple Casualty Simulation Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $609.95
    More versatile than the basic kit, this unit allows for testing higher levels of skill in bandaging and patient care with a more complex series of wounds, while also keeping initial expenditures low. The kit comes in a heavy duty plastic tool box with a...
    Today's Price $609.95
  • Moulage Pump Assembly Simulator

    Moulage Pump Assembly Simulator

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $50.50
    For use with the Simulaids Bleeding Moulages, such as those used in the EMT Casualty Simulation Kit (Our Sku A-103473) and Deluxe Casualty Simulation Kit (Our SKU A-103456). Made in the USA by Simulaids.Please note : All Simulaids products are made to...
    Today's Price $50.50
  • Basic Casualty Simulated Injuries Kit

    Basic Casualty Simulated Injuries Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $347.95
    Getting started with simulated injuries doesn't have to break the bank. This kit includes a variety of reuseable wounds and refillable accessories for repeated practice opportunity for bandaging and splinting technique.Kit Contents: 1 compound fracture...
    Today's Price $347.95
  • Trauma Moulage Kit For Manikins

    Trauma Moulage Kit For Manikins

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $964.95
    Designed for use with any Rescue manikin, these realistic bleeding moulages facilitate quick identification, diagnosis, and dressing of wounds by trainees. Kit includes compound fractures, contusions, lacerations, evisceration, sucking chest wound,...
    Today's Price $964.95
  • EMT Casualty Simulation Kit

    EMT Casualty Simulation Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $1,671.95
    This comprehensive moulage kit is ideal for E.M.T. training. This kit has the largest variety of strap-on wounds for ease in getting the most impact with the least skill used during incident training preparation. Additional stick-on wounds and makeup...
    Today's Price $1,671.95
  • Advanced Military Casualty Simulation Kit

    Advanced Military Casualty Simulation Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $960.95
    This kit is perfect for applying makeup to multiple casualties with a variety of wounds. The kit includes specialty wounds associated with gunshots, such as perforations, major avulsions, and complex jaw wounds. It includes a large supply of makeup...
    Today's Price $960.95
  • Deluxe Casualty Simulation Kit

    Deluxe Casualty Simulation Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $1,184.95
    This kit contains 7 bleeding strap-on wounds and 15 never-before-seen moulage stick-on wounds. The full line of accessories allows you to create 70 individual wounds, plus use your make-up expertise to create realism in your evolutions. Packaged in a...
    Today's Price $1,184.95
  • Life/form Simulated Burns Complete Set

    Life/form Simulated Burns Complete Set


    Today's Price $736.95
    Nasco has developed burn wounds to assist with simulating burn injury types, patient assessment, and care. Use assessment findings to identify the burn severity and type to prepare a treatment plan and to measure performance of burn management. The...
    Today's Price $736.95
  • WMD and CBRNE Casualty Simulation Kit

    WMD and CBRNE Casualty Simulation Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $1,797.95
    Effective Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) treatment of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) or Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear-Environmental (CBRNE) weapons demands a well-trained staff and starts with early recognition of the hazards at the scene...
    Today's Price $1,797.95
  • Xtreme Trauma Moulage Arm Model

    Xtreme Trauma Moulage Arm Model

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $761.95
    The Xtreme Trauma Moulage Arm represents wounds that resulted from an explosion. The moulage arm has detailed sculpting and painting that provides realism to help desensitize medical personnel responding to traumatic war injuries, making training more...
    Today's Price $761.95
  • Moulage Movie DVD

    Moulage Movie DVD

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $158.50
    It can be incredibly difficult to find instructional video for moulage. To fill this need, Simulaids has created this incredible DVD, chock full of information to best use your Simulaids Casualty Simulation Kits and their accompanying moulage. Produced...
    Today's Price $158.50
  • Xtreme Trauma Wound Kit

    Xtreme Trauma Wound Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $2,133.95
    Simulaids Xtreme Trauma Wound Kit contains (12) lifelike look and feel wounds plus all the accessories you need for preparing your victims for training. Wounds can be used on manikins or humans, and many of the wounds have been designed to bleed for a...
    Today's Price $2,133.95
  • Forensic Wound Simulation Pack

    Forensic Wound Simulation Pack

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $626.95
    Already own a Simulaids casualty simulation kit? Complement your kit by adding the Forensic Wound pack. These special stick-on wounds display 18 unique wounds developed for forensic science study. Wounds Included:Petechiae; Ecchymosis; Pattern Ligature;...
    Today's Price $626.95
  • Forensic Wound Simulation Training Kit

    Forensic Wound Simulation Training Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $1,291.95
    Simulaids proudly introduces the next generation forensic wound simulation training. This basic trauma evidence-gathering unit contains a series of wounds created specifically for teaching crime scene analysis and forensic scene reconstruction. The...
    Today's Price $1,291.95
  • Nursing and Technicians Skills Wound Kit

    Nursing and Technicians Skills Wound Kit

    Nasco Healthcare

    Today's Price $2,181.95
    This wound kit offers a highly detailed variety of disease, pressure and surgically induced wounds to assist practitioners in understanding the treatment of their patients. Whether the practitioners' education includes clinical nurse training, certified...
    Today's Price $2,181.95